Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cause... and effect.

Yep, I thought that would get a response...

You're right, on two counts:

1) I shouldn't have used the term "mainstream" as I did, and this is the second time I've made that mistake. I should have said "average" or "mainstreet" instead. Yes, I know he has ratings... but ratings do not equate to 100% agreement, as you stated.

His high ratings and vast listening/viewing audience do not embrace even the entire spectrum of the conservative movement as it stands now. On no less than four different broadcasts in the last three weeks, I've heard Levin refer to the "back-bencher with the Bible"... and if anyone can give me a better candidate for THAT title than Beck, I'd love to hear it. Both Wilkow and Church seem to have issues with his message, and neither had a WORD to say about the 8/28 event at all.

But, as you pointed out and I have admitted in the past... I don't have to listen. That leads me to your second point:

2) I don't have to listen, and frankly... I haven't been. Here's why:

On Tuesday last, I'm riding to work and tune in to Beck... and the topic of discussion is the real and very serious comparison of the historical event of the Genesis story of the Tower of Babel and modern Obama-era America.

Really? Oh yeah... Beck and a British Rabbi discussed the 1 to 1 comparison of the Babel story and Obama's Washington DC.

I listened for as long as I could... and then switched to Hair Nation in the hope of hearing something that would calm my nerves.

Come on... two weeks before election day, and we are comparing the text of the King James version (questionable in and of itself) of this nearly 4,000 year old morality fable with the modern "liberal and progressive" movement in America? THAT'S the best he can do? THAT'S the basis for the day's effort to show the folly and error of the Democratic agenda in America?

To be honest, I haven't tuned in since. I had some old audio books on CD, and I started listening to those again instead of Beck... or any talk radio at all.

Frankly, I'm better off, I swear.

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