Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fabians... aptly named, believe me!

These are the "wannabees" of the Romper Room World.

I see the "Do Bees" as traditional, conservative Americans who basically want to be left alone to manage their lives with as little interference from the Fed as possible. The "Don't Bees" are the leftists, liberals and progressives who seem to hate everything about what America has been since it was first dreamed up, and won't rest until the bulk of America conforms to their ideals, and no one else's.

The "Wanna Bees" have no place. They do not exist in the real world, and only seek to influence the real world through manipulation and targeted histrionics that play on the emotions and feelings of a population, rather than on its intellect and reason. They play to the "mob" and not to the man on the street... and thus, they are doomed to failure (in the long run, anyway... ).

I realise that the Fabian Society was a British socialist movement (I read a lot about them in college, because both Lenin and Trotsky had nothing but utter disdain for the group) that has had a bit of a resurgence over the last few years... but they are just as doomed there as the American Communist Party is here in the US.

Further more, they are (as I said in my title) very aptly named. Fabius Maximus may have won the battles against Hannibal... but he lost the war, because he couldn't keep the Roman populi happy with big, colorful and profitable victories. General George Washington ran into the same problem when he adopted the same strategy during the Revolution... he harrassed the British enough to wear them down with such upset victories as Trenton and Princeton, NJ... but it was enough to make the Continental Congress pull their collective hair out, and finally he had to start fighting them in the traditional, grande armee-style of warfare that Washington (and his staff, like Green, Knox and Lee) all thought too costly. Lucky for us, he pulled it off.

THAT is why Lenin and Trotsky had no time for them... they committed nothing to the "effort" and were content to wait for future gains. As Ryan pointed out... that is NOT a winning strategy when you are saying there is a FINITE amount of time to fix a specific problem. Add to this the still undeniable fact that ideal socialism/communism is antithetical to the very foundations of human nature and the human condition... and this is nothing more than a revival of a dead society by bored British nerds who weren't smart enough to get into the "New Diogenes Club" and thought Tony Blair might make a good poster child.

Honestly... if these videos are the best that the Fabian Society can do to convince the world that "green" is the path to salvation, then I'd say the rational, right-thinking camp is as safe from defeat as they could possibly hope.

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