Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My first draft...

Here's my first draft of my first Report Card for Washington:

George Washington
1789 - 1797
Topic....................1st Term..........2nd Term.............Final

Foreign Policy........... 96 ................... 94 ........................ 95 (A)
Domestic Policy........ 97 .................... 98 ....................... 97.5 (A+)
Economic Policy........ 97 .................... 97 ....................... 97 (A)
Cabinet.................... 95 ..................... 95 ....................... 95 (A)
Legacy..................... 100 .................. 100 ..................... 100 (A+)

Final Grade: 96.9 (A)

This isn't easy at all. I took the dissention that was caused by both the whiskey tax (which led to an armed rebellion) in the Domestic catagory and the Jay Treaty (which drove a premanent wedge between the Federalists and the Democrats) in the Foreign catagory as just about the ONLY questionable things to occur during his two terms. Everything else is to his perpetual credit... unanimously elected twice, refusing a third term, setting up BOTH the Judicial and the Executive Branches, appointing the first Cabinet, refusing to become embroiled in partisan politics, overseeing the building of Washington DC, negotiating treaties, building a navy, and setting almost every single precedent that exists today within the Office of the Presidency... it staggers the imagination.

Thoughts? Was I too generous? Not generous enough? I really am not sure how to judge a man that is doing a job that has never been done before in all of human history... so I'll talk about anything I have done, if you want.

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