Friday, October 29, 2010


I think I failed to answer Ryan's question in his last post. I don't want to make this a fight, so I will do so now.

Ryan asks: "Is it an accurate ad?"

If the message of the ad is that the Dems have FAILED in their promise to fix what was wrong with America between 2006 and 2010, then the answer is NO. If the message of the ad is that drug gangs, urban violence, crime rates, and an open, unprotected border are ALL interconnected and symptomatic of the same general problem in America today, then the answer is YES.

Can't be any clearer than that, can I? The ad wasn't offensive to me, but it made me think that it might not have been as "focused" as it could have been on the question of whether or not the Dems (and specifically Reid himself) have delivered on their promise of a better tomorrow over the course of the last four years.

To give Angle some credit, I have to admit that she has, indeed, taken a page from Reagan's book and used her TV ads to paint a continuous picture about where Reid and the Dems have taken both NV and the US as a whole. When you see ALL her ads run, back to back, you see the picture she is painting, and it is a pretty grim picture. I'd like to see more about her plans than the failures of Reid and the Dems... but it is a pretty good campaign, none the less.

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