Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Steven Palazzo reads the Bund...

Or someone on his advisory staff does.

When we discussed the blueprint for electing anyone in 2010 the basic strategy was, "Let's look at the voting record." No attacks, no personal crap, nothing requiring background checks or private investigators. Public records and some C-Span viewing, that's it.

Go to Palazzo's web site and the first video he has linked is the 2006 vote for Speaker. Deciding vote cast by.... Gene Taylor.

And for the most part, his ENTIRE campaign has been on that. He has NOT ONCE attacked Taylor on a personal level, or even ANY OTHER VOTE. Just that one. All the other attacks Palazzo has made are against Pelosi, Reid, a liberal Congressional agenda, Obama's massive spending and so on.

But that ONE VOTE will sink Taylor.

Which is sad because I liked the guy. A lot. But when most of my co-workers, (and the casino industry is NOT the most conservative group of employees in the world) are talking about registering to vote and polling locations and Palazzo rallies on the town green... That's saying something.

We should get some credit for this strategy. A comment, maybe, a little "Thank you" maybe?

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