Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Taylor is on record saying that both the DNC and the GOP are screwed up... and this might be true.

The core principles that I think make a Democrat like Taylor appealing to a conservative American voter (like all of us, for example) is that he is pro-American, and supports the individual freedoms defined and protected within the Constitution. He understands that the Constitution is not a list of "negative liberties", but a definition of exactly what government can and can't do, on a Federal level. It places almost NO limits on the freedoms of the individual, and retains those freedoms (defined or otherwise) as "outside" Government limitation from beginning to end. This is NOT something the DNC seems to feel is true as a whole and as a Party.

I think Taylor is an excellent example of the modern "neo-con" politician. He truly fits very nicely into the same model that I think we hold up here at the Bund. In short, I think he'd agree with everything we say HERE at the Bund, while the vast majority of Democrats today would see us as fringe right-wing reactionaries... just minutes away from donning white robes or Nazi-esque uniforms and having marches and rallies to burn either crosses or books. His view on the role of government may differ from ours in detail or minutia... but I'm pretty confident that he is far closer to Reagan's ideas than he is to anyone currently holding a position of authority within the DNC.

I, too, maintain my Democratic voting registration and Party membership (as does Taylor), but I too do not feel I can honestly support the vast majority of candidates that run from the DNC side of any ticket. I have continued this registration so that I have a voice in who the DNC picks at a local, State and Federal level to run in general elections... otherwise, I'd have changed my affiliation ages ago. Does my continued "Democrat" status exclude my opinion from those others offered here at the Bund? Should Taylor's be excluded based solely on his Party affiliation? Isn't that counter to all of our previously stated positions that what matters is the general election results, and how we conduct ourselves within them?

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