Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hostages, cheese, and not so fresh produce...

Well, far be it from me to hold my tongue as those whom I consider family brace for God's wrath. ...

I liked the "Locutus" reference. Few no that Picard went south with the Borg for a bit. Didn't really think you'd get that one by me did you?

At any rate, regarding your "Labor Day Rap", I would like to point out that (as far as I remember) the MS Gaming Commission gives the actual "word" on whether the "boats" (what we used to call the casinos) shut down or not. It's the MSGC that controls such "commands", an arm of government no less. The private "hostage takers" would see their resolve vanish quite rapidly were they to defy an order from such a place in which your gaming card picture is taken by a man with a loaded side arm .... I assure you. So, were private business (especially in a post-Katrina world) afforded the latitude to "write" their own rules at it were regarding shut-downs and evacuations, I would throw my lot in with those whom have to answer to public perception and share holders ... rather then faceless bureaucrats with sub-par hair cuts .... but that's me.

Oh .... and the subject line? How I would describe the smell on September 15th, 2005, 2 miles outside of Gulfport on HWY 49 as I attempted to reclaim my land from the elements .... windows down.

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