Monday, September 8, 2008

Let me submit for the record....

That I do not hate Mike, never have HATED Mike, certainly never hated Lori, and have had numerous classic good times with both. What drives me insane about Mike is the DRAMA that follows him, and his absolute inability to do anything ON TIME, a trait he shares remarkably with Ryan. (Work attendance, breaks, he tells you one hour plan on three, that kind of thing.)

I had a four and a half hour conversation with my godmother whom we lovingly know as Coddy. She is a Kennedy Democrat just like my mom, and spent a fair portion of that four and a half hours explaining her backing of the party. She, however, is not a fan of Obama. She was and is an ardent Clinton supporter, and she made some undeniable points for her party. Not necessarily Obama, mind you, but the Democrats as a whole. I will cite these later as this is about Richter and not Coddy. But the coincidence of both these conversations happening now is humorous. Who'd have thought such a diversified effort would be made for Obama.

Mike and Coddy need to post here. It would be a good thing.

So make sure when Mike calls you tell him I don't hate him and give him the Bund address. Let him post. It'll be fun.

1 comment:

F. Ryan said...

ya, give him the address and then tell him I said Joseph McCarthy was a great American figure ... he,he ... he'll post.