Thursday, September 4, 2008

The "Sarahcuda"!

To answer Titus ... not that he ever responds to my texts however. It may not be fair for me to answer how well its going, I'm biased. But I have to say, I absolutely adore this choice in Palin, and the base is fired up in a way I haven't seen in quite a while. Not to mention, Fred Thompson's description of Mac's POW years was moving to the point tears and made me arrive at a whole new respect for McCain. So my analysis is that the convention is going fantastic.

Now, to make an attempt at objectivity, a convention's success is based on two things: how fired up the base gets, and how well the Party appeals to the undecided. Sometimes it is hard to do both obviously, given a "base" by definition is ideologically committed, thus requiring "red meat." However, 3 fantastic speeches in 2 nights did BOTH in my estimation. Thompson, Giuliani, and Palin are to whom I'm referring. Why? Because they were optimistic about their candidate and America and derided the opposition with a smile on their face, using humor rather then hackish snipes or talking points. If you didn't catch Giuliani, you must. He grinned from ear to ear and broke out in laughter more then a couple times. It was just a fun night. Guliani remarked, (now bare in mind that Barak has been deriding Sarah's "small town roots", noting that there were more people in his IL state senate district then in the city which she sereved as mayor): "I'm sorry that Senator Obama doesn't think Sarah's home town is cosmopolitan enough. I'm sorry its not flashy enough for him. I guess they still cling to their religion there!" Absolutely brought the house down.

And ditto for Palin. The woman is certainly not a light weight. She successfully demonstrated why she has an 83% approval rating in her home state - funny, in control, and specific (regarding Russia's aggression and energy). And the entire time she hilariously used Obama's own resume and words against him.
-"This man has had time to author two memoirs, but not a single peace of major legislation."
-"I guess a mayor is sort of like being a community organizer, but with actual reponsabilities."
-"What's left after the rhetoric, AFTER they hall away those styraphone Greek columns back to some Hollywood lot?"
-"Our opponents speak often about 'fighting' for you ... but let us face the matter squarely, there is only ONE man in this race that has actually FOUGHT for you."

All Palin, and it rolled off her tounge as naturally as she fires that machine gun (footage I've seen).

Now, there's one other thing that could be indicative of what side American's will ultimately fall on in the privacy of the voting booth. Consider this, and the media has COMPLETELY missed this point (I haven't heard a single mention of this): all the talk, the verbal back and forth is over whom has more or "real" experience - Obama or Palin. Well, don't they realize (the Democrats) this means that the TOP of their ticket, their presidential nominee, is locked in a resume battle with the BOTTOM of our ticket, the VICE presidential nominee? That is a horrible position for Obama to be in. It highlights just how razor thin his resume is because he's not even winning that match up, with our 2nd stringer! It makes him look all the more small when compared to McCain. And, this resume battle has gotten SO heated between he and Sarah that he actually said yesterday (I'm paraphrasing, but it very close) that her annual city budget (notice he won't go near her governorship) was less then his campaign's budget for this month and he's been managing that for 18 months. Are you KIDDING ME? He's run a campaign? THAT he puts forth as "experience" with a straight face? This is amateur hour. But like I said, I love it ... keep comparing yourself to the bottom of our ticket Obama ... I'm sure that'll work out for you.


Titus said...

Your last point is a great one... but look at it from the other side, too:

What does it say about Mac and the base-opinion when many are now chanting "Palin-McCain" rather than "McCain-Palin"?

If this is simply the enthusiams and excitement of the new VP pick, then fine... but if it lasts, then we face the real possiblity of Palin stealing lime-light and stage time from Mac, who is actually the NOMINEE for President.

I, too, am very happy with the Palin pick. However, I can't help but wonder if the real "conservative" base isn't now wishing that it WAS Palin-McCain rather than the other way around.

F. Ryan said...

No, I wish it were Romney-Palin. However, if that's the only problematic angle (on Palin) for Mac & co (that she's more popular with the "base" then the nominee), then I think they're doing pretty well. I mean, if his problem has been with the conservative base, and it has; and if she excites the base to the point of turning out money, votes and enthusiasm, which she does, then I don't see that as a problem. Quite the contrary.

And I'll make no bones about it - many in the conservative base as it appeared to me (Rush, Hannitty, their callers, myslef, my parents, the blogospher et al) were looking at the prospect of voting against Obama rather then FOR McCain; and that has now switched with the Palin pick. And hey, if she is more popular with the base then Mac(which I beleieve IS true), then she's done her job by unifying the party as he goes after independents. Its a very savvy pick.

To restate it, I don't think she can be "popular to a fault" with the base of this Party. Cleary, the "base" did not decide the nominee of our Party in the primaries, so MAC is popular within the rank and file GOP already, or else he wouldn't be the nominee. Her soaring popularity has injected some much needed support, money and excitment into the most dedicated, (read: THE base) portion of his Party, which after securing the nomination was the final loose end in need of tying up.

Palin-Power brother.