Wednesday, September 3, 2008

So, now I am wondering...

How is the RNC going so far?

Ryan linked to the Thompson speech, which was followed by the Lieberman speech, which segued into the Laura Bush speech, which introduced the Bush speech. Lieberman was the weakest link here, no question. The man can't give a public speech... he just doesn't have the commanding presence. Laura did better, but whoever wrote her speech needed to keep her husband out of it.

Bush did surprisingly well, though. He was just self-deprecating enough to appeal to moderates AND ultra-conservatives who are pissed off at his lack-luster second term, yet gave a ringing endorsement of Mac that seemed to sit very well with the crowd. He made a point of stating that John supported many of Bush's plans (the "surge" mainly), but fought others with his usual tenacity. The focus of his support wasn't Mac's "conservative" position (thank God), but his experience, his leadership and his commitment to the Nation as a whole.

These speeches led me to ponder the signs I saw so many people waving... "Country First". Thompson, in his speech, also touched on this ideal of service that Mac optimizes. It harkens back to JFK's speech when we, as Americans, were called to "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

I think this was (or is) an excellent opportunity to steal some of Obama's thunder by using the JFK analogy to the GOP benefit. Obama is running a campaign on just how much we can ALL get from the Government... 180 degrees from JFK's call, isn't it? If we, as voters, are asked to compare the "service" record of the two candidates... who among us is going to say Obama has the greater credentials?

I certainly hope that the GOP gets it's head out of its ass and begins to take this campaign a bit more serious. These are the themes and topics they should be focusing on... and Mac has been saying this since the start of the primary. No mud, no slander... issues and principles is what it should be run on.

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