Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Political odds and ends ...

... that I found interesting.

One ... when Sarah Palin, hence forth known as "the Sarahcuda" or "Caribu Barbie", noted in her VP acceptance speech that she declined the governor's private jet and quote, "put it on eBay", I assumed it was a clever metaphor symbolizing both her "in touch" status with the tech-savvy youth vote, and that she had cancelled the lease contract with whomever the state of Alaska had contracted the plane. NOT SO. It was a jet owned by the state. And she actually put it on eBay, and sold it. Sweet political chops this gal has...

Two ... Senator John Sydney McCain has announced that not only will he ask Democrats to serve in his cabinet (Joey Lieberman, have your cell phone on you brother), but he will also (taking a page from Palin) request they serve at a salary of 1 US dollar per year. Hell, maybe they will "shake up" Washington.

Three ... most interesting of all (at least to me), a Japanese "expert" (I assume of some note given it made US news cycles where I picked it up) says that Kim Jong Il of North Korea actually DIED in 2003 from diabetes, and we have been dealing with a body double because the N. Korean hierarchy figure their only bargaining chip is the insanity, thus the unpredictability of their "great leader." US State Department officials responded by saying this calim is, "off the mark."

Four ... Titus will actually submit himslef to a political geared conversation initiated by Richter, as if he has anything serious to say. I can only asume it's for purely entertainment purposes. There but for the Grace of God ...

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