Thursday, May 27, 2010

2nd Amendment lives HERE...

So, Liz is off this whole week, and she has me busting my hump cleaning and organizing and getting things ready for next week's yard sale. I'm opening boxes I haven't seen since the hurricane (most I never even opened during and after the move!), and I just can't believe what I'm finding...

The reason for the post, however, is that while I was cleaning out and consolidating containers and boxes throughout the house, I have discovered that I had ammunition squirrelled away in WAY more places than I originally thought. Luckily, almost all of it is for weapons I have on-hand here in PA (Jambo still has a few of my pieces in MS).

I have quite a few .308 rounds, nearly 3,000 .22 rounds (almost all of them good quality, too), 14 boxes of various sized 12 guage shells... and one slightly used box of .38-55 Ballard rounds for Jambo's prized rifle. In fact, the box is 2 shells short of full (for the two rounds he had to throw at the Kansas buck he took in '05)... 18 shiny silver-cased soft nosed ball rounds in a custom Winchester Ammunition box.

How the hell do I get these to him? Can I legally mail him these shells, without landing myself in the hoosegow for sending explosives through the mail system? Probably not. Nothing for it, man... you're just going to have to come and get the last 18 rounds for your rifle, or face the prospect of having another 20 made special for your next hunt.

I have to giggle... Liz has realized the importance of being able to "keep going" here at the house in the event of an extended power failure or really bad blizzard, so we often talk about what we need to have on hand "just in case". Sometimes, our friends will ask "in case of what?" and Liz always says the same thing: "In case the zombie apocolypse happens and we have to fend for ourselves against the flesh-eating hordes." It is a fun twist on a topic I take pretty seriously (as would anyone that had to live in a flooded-out house with no water or electricity for 39 days), and the best part is she doesn't think we have enough firepower in the house to ensure our safety and survivability in the event of the "zombie apocolypse".

Liz demands a usable (for her) semi-auto rifle, and I'd love to give each of the boys one, too. .22s all the way around, I think... with a decent hand gun thrown in for the house. Mine is still in MS at Jambo's, but it is only a .22 itself, and while it is a damn fine piece... I'd like something a little more substantial for when the zombies come knocking.

Anyway... Jambo, if you ever wonder, I definitely have the rounds for the Marlin, safe and sound here in NEPA. Won't help you much if the zombie apocolypse happens, but at least you know where they are.

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