Monday, May 17, 2010

What do you think?

Noam Chomsky. Leftist of the first order, and an anti-American and anti-Israeli proponent extraordinaire. Probably the greatest linguist of the last thousand years. Famous for his mass media debates spanning the years from the Vietnam War all the way to today.

Of those debates, the one he participated in with William Buckley (which resurfaced and got lots of attention after Buckley's death a few years ago) is one of the most famous. You can revisit the debate HERE. It's worth the watch, believe me.

My question (and it is an honest one): Who WON that debate, given only the facts and presentation within the debate?

I don't agree with anything Chomsky stands for or promotes... but if I had to take an objective stand on who won that debate (not who was RIGHT in their position, mind you), I think I'd have to give it to Chomsky.


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