Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Slow down there cheetoh ... this does follow.

I never once said the 29' Crash & ensuing years were not a "crisis." Far from it. I'm not even saying that there weren't actions the government could of taken to provide aspects of relief. What I specifically objected to, low these many years, were the activist government policies that made up New Deal, so don't put words in my mouth. That the times were excruciatingly difficult and constituted the single greatest economic crisis in our history in not in dispute - FDR's response is. So save your false assumptions & ill advised conclusions for someone who hasn't written reams of text about their position.

At any rate, my line of questioning was to address one simple point - your shocking (to me anyway) statement(s) that the economic crisis of the 30's was as great a threat to the US as the Axis Powers, the Japanese in specific. I am simply trying to establish that as horrible as the crash & ensuing years were it is erroneous to compare that economic crisis, or any economic crisis, to the threat posed to all free nations in WWII, especially at its' onset. That's all.

We do "nothing" at the federal level as a response to the Depression we "certainly" (to quote someone) come out ok, at some point. We do "nothing" as a response to Pearl, and there isn't a thing "certain" about our future. Thus one event is a greater threat than is the other, and your flawed posit that they were crisis of equal threat is exposed. :)

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