Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I agree ...

The "risk" quotient must be endured as much as the reward is enjoyed. And if that includes paying damages to the various sea faring industries, then so be it. I have no quarrel with your thesis. My only point was the inevitable demonetization of "big oil", or "big" anything when something in their respective fields go awry. The idea that they are "evil" or insidious, or their profits are "obscene" is what I have contention with. Not that you or Jambo are advocating such a view (although you have held such views in the past given oil is an "essential" commodity, but then so is the Windows operating system and you don't find Gate's bank account "obscene" ... but I digress). My point is oil corps seems to get slammed for their "rewards" and slandered for their "risks." Pay the Coast fisheries as a cost of doing business, that's fine. But lets not (as a nation) jump on the band wagon of demonizing the industry and refraining their activities ... that's all I'm saying.

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