Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Barbour is in the heat...

Barbour is in trouble because of a statement he made during an interview with the Weekly Standard. Seems he gave his personal views on the Citizens Council of Yazoo City, MS from his youth in the '60s... and the liberal left is saying he's a racist because of it.

For those that don't know, the Citizens Councils were groups of local small-town citizens that banded together in an unofficial manner to get things done the way they wanted them done. Some were very anti-black and anti-civil rights, while others were not. What they ALL were was an all-white group of men who took matters into their own hands... something the liberals of today cannot fathom at all.

Barbour's exact words seemed to be saying that the Citizen's Council of his hometown were very anti-Klan, if nothing else. If someone started a Klan in Yazoo City, they'd be run out of business/home/town by any means necessary. It was too much trouble to be worth the risk, they seemed to think. His seeming defense of the Council is what has the liberals in arms, but his words are aimed at one particular Council (Yazoo City), not ALL Councils.

None the less, this is why I DON'T think Barbour is a viable candidate. He's simply too "old South" for a modern President. He was raised during segregation, and at some point, his detractors will be able to point to something he has said or done (real or perceived) in the past that will make his viability more than difficult.

Its too bad... I like him. I really do.

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