Monday, December 20, 2010

Strong like bull!

Yes, I think the Cold War being won without "firing a shot" (which is a complete misnomer as Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and countless covert Latin American coups all made up the Cold war), has allowed those revisionists, such as the producers of that program, the latitude to claim a pacifist victory. I still have PhD's sit on my table and explain that Gorbachev ended the Soviet Union/Cold War with his enlightened, progressive reforms and Reagan et al were just along for the ride (talk about hands in the air time ... sheesh).

I just think your apparent need to keep refining your position in this argument regarding NATO vs USSR tells me its not a viable position. Going from (I'm paraphrasing): It's not a foregone conclusion; to, it is a forgone conclusion, but the first 24 hours may be rougher then imagined; to, pre shot diplomatic squabbling may hamper the first 24 hours. I mean brother come on, no mas already. We would win, it wouldn't be easy, period.

That being said you're not going to get a defense of European pacifist posturing out of me (save the UK). In fact, I read your last 2 posts & it occurs they could of well of been authored by me. You have nailed the state of modern European affairs. And I can only imagine how many times your hands went into the air with the words, "oh for f***'s sake!" jolting those around you whilst watching that program. My counter to you throughout has been my assumption that even Europe would recognize a "threat" were the gun barrel pressed to their temple, especially if it were a Makarov. And that Reagan & Thatcher would sure as hell make certain they at least noticed the cold steel.

On other fronts (and backs) ...

"Don't ask, don't tell" will end Wednesday when the PoTUS signs the reversal just passed in the Senate into law. A 60 day buffer is set up before full implementation, with combat and special forces set to be last.

Look, I've heard arguments on both sides, from veterans of all generations. Most of the current soldiers, from the polls I viewed, oppose it. That being said, I assume our forces are professional enough to get any job done (man, is there a joke in there somewhere, if it were any outfit but the US Military...).

But what I do know for certain is this will automatically fold straight into the gay marriage debate (in a manner of speaking ... ok, demon exercised). Get ready for: They can die for their country, but not marry in that same country! If they die in service of their nation their significant other can't receive spouse benefits! And denial of all the VA, schooling, housing etc, etc benefits that traditional spouses receive as part of their husband's (or wife's) service. Those in favor of confederate marriage have won a strategic battle here, make no mistake about it.

North Korea ... as with most school yard bullies the moment the victim stood up, they blinked. The official NK media service quoted their high command as responding to SK's live fire exercises with, "it wasn't worth responding to." What? What's that? I thought just yesterday it was worth invading Seoul for. What happened there Kimmy?

The truth is that not long into any renewed Korean conflict many of the North's soldiers will be surrendering in hopes of a meal. Good for the South - ignore Russia and China's warning about "provoking" NK, and conduct your exercise. Well done.

And oh ya, the North not only blinked but special US envoy to NK, Bill Richardson, notes the North has "suddenly" agreed to renewed weapons inspections. Hmmm ... it seems South Korea doesn't suffer from Western Europe's impotency.

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