Sunday, July 27, 2008

Finally... a VP?

I have reviewed our past posts, and think I can boil down our requirements for a "good" VP for McCain as the following (in no particular order):

1) A strong "conservative", to counter Mac's past "bi-partisan" tendencies

2) A Southerner, to garner the always-important "South" vote

3) An executive (read Governor), to bolster Mac's lack of "executive" experience

4) Youth (in relative terms... anyone looks young compared to Mac)

An argument could be made that selecting a minority would also help... but I don't think it is a priority in the formula. I am convinced that Mac wants to pick on merit more than anything else, and having a "token" anything (black, woman, Latino, etc.) will only leave him open for accusations of pandering.

Other positives (but not requirements):

Strong faith background/moral views (realisticly, I guess I'd have to say that NOT being Catholic is probably also a plus... there's a whole new stigma to being Catholic right now in this country that is unfortunate, but still a measurable reality in politics).

Tough on crime and illegal immigration issues.

Strong military support record.

Good fiscal record/supports low taxes.

More than one political success story.

So, knowing this, who are the OBVIOUS candidates? (I'm not including those that have excluded themselves from the "list"... Jindal, Thompson, etc.)

Charlie Crist (FL) has always been on the list, and is still a good choice. Seriously popular in FL, he brings some real, tangible recognition to the ticket from a key electoral state.

Haley Barbour (MS) is well-known to all of us. His success as the "leader" of post-Katrina MS is well-documented and easily comparable to the record of LA's former governor. Lacking in youth, he brings a whole lot to the ticket... from the South, proven unwaivering conservative views, and a track record of solid fiscal responsibility, mainstream Protestant Christian with no (known) baggage.

Bob Riley (AL) would be the "youthful" version of Barbour, in my opinion, with a lot less of the recognition nationally. Outstanding record of keeping the State of AL's books in the black through the judicious application of low-taxes and lottery revenues.

Sarah Palin (AK) is another growing name in the GOP world. The single most popular governor currently in office, she is half-way through her two-term max as Governor of Alaska. There is NO more staunch supporter of "drill now" than Palin... she defines the "conservationist conservative". No one could call her name on the ticket "pandering"... she is a raging success story from the word GO.

Rick Perry (TX) is well-spoken, good-looking and popular with his State. He has only one drawback... he may look "soft" on border issues when compared to other "border State" Gov's. He ahsn't made the name for himself as tough on illegals the same way the rest of the Southwest has... but he is a rock-solid conservative with a great record as governor of TX.

So, who ISN'T on MY list of VP choices?

Tim Pawlenty (MN) does NOT have the record of conservative consistancy that the above do. He did balance MN's $4.3 billion budget deficit without raising taxes... but he lost a lot of ground to the public and the polls by cutting the way he did. He has almost NO national name recognition... and coming from the heart of DFL land, he isn't going to bring a whole lot of popularity to the ticket from the Upper Midwest. I think Mac can do WAY better here.

Let me think about the Dem choices...


Anonymous said...


1. Which McCain Veep pick is SIMULTANEOUSLY the safest AND boldest?

ANSWER: Sarah Palin

2. How can McCain SIMULTANEOUSLY attract both Hillary AND Bob Barr voters?

ANSWER: Sarah Palin

* * *

This just in from the Conservative Voice:

“Desperately seeking Sarah
July 26, 2008 10:00 AM EST

By Stephan Andrew Brodhead

Desperately seeking Sarah
Americans need a little Palin Power

Sarah Palin the current Governor of Alaska is John McCain’s ultimate choice for VP. I do believe a woman is next in line for the presidency. All Conservatives like her. She is popular in Alaska. Hillary supporters would relish her. She would solidify a 12 or possibly 16 year Republican executive.

John McCain’s boring campaign is wearing thin. I need a little Palin Power to get me interested again. They would say ‘but she is only a half term Governor!’ And your point is?

That’s all I have to say about that!”

Anonymous said...


1. Which McCain Veep pick is SIMULTANEOUSLY the safest AND boldest?

ANSWER: Sarah Palin

2. How can McCain SIMULTANEOUSLY attract both Hillary AND Bob Barr voters?

ANSWER: Sarah Palin

* * *

This just in from the Conservative Voice:

“Desperately seeking Sarah
July 26, 2008 10:00 AM EST

By Stephan Andrew Brodhead

Desperately seeking Sarah
Americans need a little Palin Power

Sarah Palin the current Governor of Alaska is John McCain’s ultimate choice for VP. I do believe a woman is next in line for the presidency. All Conservatives like her. She is popular in Alaska. Hillary supporters would relish her. She would solidify a 12 or possibly 16 year Republican executive.

John McCain’s boring campaign is wearing thin. I need a little Palin Power to get me interested again. They would say ‘but she is only a half term Governor!’ And your point is?

That’s all I have to say about that!”

Titus said...

I couldn't agree more, Ted.

She's a GOP stud, no doubt... but there is a bit of a question about if she'd accept or not. After all, Jindal said NO, didn't he?

She's primed for a strong career in the GOP sphere, even taking into account the Stevens (SP?) fiasco.