Friday, July 25, 2008

"Junior, When we get home I'm gonna punch your momma right in the mouf"

Well after some time to think about your last couple of posts and your commentary that I shouldn't hold back and be nice if I don't feel like it I'm not going to. I usually save my verbal abuse for my closest friends but I will make an exception in Ryans case. (Good lord I wish I could do this in person, I am so much better at verbal debating)

1. As far as the energy policy goes I think that everyone has good ideas (some better than others) but Ryans inability to accept other peoples ideas as legitimate makes him a perfect person for public office. You have to be one of the most short sighted close minded people I have ever had the fortune of coming in contact with. The current energy concerns in this country are not just foreign oil based. Like Jambo said, home energy bills are skyrocketing. Gasoline and Diesel prices are over the top. Propane isn't reasonable anymore (my home is propane instead of natural gas). With all of this in mind, energy is removing dollars from our wallets at exponentially increasing rates. What does this mean? SUCKS FOR THE ECONOMY ON A LARGE SCALE. Your commentary that renewable energy usage by the individual would only help on the small scale and would not do anything to help in the short term is an ignorant statement and once again short sighted. This happens to be one of those times in our history where the individual person has the ability to make a huge difference not only for themselves but if accomplished en mass a huge difference for the country. The use of renewable energy sources in my case has nothing to do with saving the planet but everything to do with how much money can I put back in my pocket over the long term and push myself closer to self sufficiency. George Carlin once said that it is arrogant to think that the human species can kill the planet, I happen to beleive this also.

2. As far as your goal of political office, well lets just say I think you are perfect. From what I have gleaned from the many posts I have read from you I get the impression that you are self absorbed and self important. Your inability to recognize that like the truth the answers lie somewhere in the middle makes you an ideal candidate. Just one more person to add to the mix of people who are incapable of compromise making the system ineffective. This doesn't mean we can't be friends, it just means that I will have enough ammo to keep me busy. Understand that I don't agree with alot of my friends politically but it does make for great debate.

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