Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Go recite some poems why don't ya!

Or whatever you wine-guzzling people do to gain forgiveness from sin, for THAT was completely uncharitable. And they're Golden PLATES, dufus.

You know who else lost his first primary battle? Ronald Wilson Reagan "The Great." So did George H Bush, and Reagan "The Infallible" turned around and picked him as a VP running mate, and they won sweeping victories, keeping G.H. Bush in the executive branch for a total of 12 years. Don't give me this nonsense about all America will remember is that he lost - hogwash, poppycock. What America will resonate with is that the economy is in trouble and this guy knows what he is doing in terms of it. Not to mention, maybe you knock out Michigan as a red state with Romney (his Dad was governor there and he polls high). Plus he can out-fundraise nearly anyone, and MAC will need that against the Obama campaign's deep pockets.

Sorry buddy - history doesn't bare you out on this one .... that will be 43 Hail Mary's and 67 Our Father's. Go forth and pray my son .....

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