Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Grease monkey, I ain't ...

I was simply unaware of this technology being already in play, thus the "as far as I know" flavor of my statements on that technology; and I have ZERO problem with incentivizing GM et al via the tax code in order to get the 110 mile a gallon invention discussed in previous posts, along with the natural gas engine as standard on new vehicles (they'd have to increase their work force by 30% if it were announced that the new Yukon SUV - one of their biggest - got 1oo miles a gallon). That would be solidly smart for Mac and company to push. On the solar panels, I know how it works, oddly enough, due to a FOX report just the other day which featured an entire town in Europe (I forget which country, Holland maybe) that supplied every resident and business with the solar panel upgrade, they explained the checks coming back from the grid, etc (although even they were skeptical of a large scale building use, such as in Yankee Stadium for example). And that's all well and good - I wasn't arguing whether it quote "works", I was arguing "time" with Jambo. This isn't something that can or will be done inside of 09' in a way that would cause a significant impact (in my estimation), even if Mac started pushing it today. We are talking 5 to 7 years in either direction, thus its no ore time effective then drilling, nuke plants, refinery construction etc.

But lets get back to square one. My incarnation: The Bund Energy Initiative (which clearly has things in common, and not, with the New Deal 08' energy plan). It's open to any good idea. As I clearly stated in my last, this is not a zero sum game. So we adopt the GM et al tax breaks for making standard the innovations Titus spoke of in terms of gas mileage and natural gas (because its cheaper, I really don't care one wit about it being cleaner - man made climate change is a hoax as I have well established in a thread some time ago, which no one here as ever refuted to this day). We incentivize the solar panels for those inclined, and we build the nuclear plants, refineries, and start the drilling in the scores of places I've named in previous posts, and STILL offer the "prize" for anybody who can find a brand new renewable domestic source, or innovate yet another new efficient method (like Cochise with the miles per gallon converter).

So what's wrong with that plan?

I'm telling you Mac ol' buddy. The first to come out and hammer real, viable, measurable and specific solutions to energy will take a commanding lead in this race. Use The Bund Energy Initiative as I've laid out here (with input from my friends) ... just endorse me for Congress in Nevada and we'll call it even ... I'll take it from there!

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