Monday, July 21, 2008

Heller's Lawyer ...

I just listened to Allen Guro (sp?), whom represented the Heller case against DC, on the Glenn Beck Radio Show. Just a few points not in the mainstream press. First, there were 6 plaintiffs aside from Dick Heller. They included 3 African Americans, 2 women and one gay guy. Each with concerns about their personal security. HARDLY cammo wearing gun nuts with NRA memberships and a suspiciously high amount of fertilizer on property. Second, the DC city council has rewritten the law which includes each gun owner having to drop off his or her gun at the police station in order for them to squeeze off a few rounds in order to make a ballistic record. Guro pointed out that he has done mountains of research and in each locality this has been enacted the ability to track a murder or gun crime was not enhanced by any discernible degree, however they will not be challenging this requirement. Another requirement the DC enacted was that the gun owner keep his weapon in a quote, "safe place" when not in use. As Guro pointed out, this is a meaningless gesture, its unenforceable. How would the police know where it was before you put down an intruder? Now, an aspect which IS going to bring a further suit is the DC ban still in place against semi-automatic weapons. Virtually all hand guns owned by home owners are semi automatics. He noted that the clause forbidding "exotic technology" shouldn't include such common place weaponry such as a semi-automatic fire arm. Its meant for housing a Howitzer and they're using it to ban any gun that has a clip.

Titus may be aware of all this given his briefs research, but I wanted to make mention.

By the way - it appears The New York Times has blocked the publishing of McCain's op ed, which was a response to the recent Obama op ed, which they of course allowed. So much for a "free" press.

And don't believe the hype on Malaki (Iraqi PM) agreeing with Obama on a 16 month withdrawl of coalition forces. It was a near mistranslation from a German Magazine, Der Spiegel, that these claims are based upon (fyi, Der Spiegel is violently anti-American). It was more along the lines that "IF" the security assessment on the ground was in such a place that troops could leave in 16 months, that would be a great development. Who the HELL wouldn't call that a great development?? But that hardly equates to endorsing Obama's "get out now" policy. Correcting the mainstream press is a full time job - if I wanted that I wouldn't be working 3 days a week! Ugghhh .....

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