Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Is it in their DNA?

Modern Democrat presidential candidates I mean. Titus pointed out that it must of been a very windy day when the apple fell from that tree - the stewardship passing from the Truman/JFK era to the Kerry/Obama reign. But the metamorphosis this party, especially its leadership, continues to undergo (further and further towards the left, highlighted in hostility towards the US military) never fails to shock me.

Obama's "trip" to the Middle East - a PR bonanza meant to assure the American voter that this relatively young, and certainly inexperienced Senator has a grasp on foreign policy, has turned into a complete disaster for anyone bothering to listen to what he says. He just CAN NOT bring himself to credit the troops unequivocally. This from FOX News:

Barack Obama continued Tuesday to downplay the results of the so-called troop surge in Iraq, telling CBS News that while he credits the surge with helping to reduce violence in Iraq it “doesn’t meet our long-term strategic goal.”

Earlier, Obama — in the middle of an overseas trip that so far has taken him to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Jordan — had drawn criticism from John McCain’s campaign after he told ABC News that, knowing what he knows now, he still would have opposed the troop surge in Iraq.

Asked about that comment, Obama said in his latest interview with CBS News that “there’s no doubt” spending billions a month in Iraq and sending extra troops will “have an impact.”

“But it doesn’t meet our long-term strategic goal, which is to make the American people safer over the long term,” he said, repeating his argument that the resources spent in Iraq are detracting from U.S. efforts in Afghanistan.

The Illinois senator again said the surge is just one of several factors that has helped reduce violence.

“There is no doubt that the extraordinary work of our U.S. forces has contributed to a lessening of the violence, just as making sure that the Sadr militia stood down or the fact that the Sunni tribes decided to flip and work with us instead of with Al Qaeda,” he said.

Obama earlier in the day declined to rate the troop surge as a success, saying: “I think that the definition of success depends on how you look at it.

“Originally, the administration suggested that the key measure was whether it gave breathing room for political reconciliation. So far, I think we have not seen the kind of political reconciliation that’s going to bring about long-term stability in Iraq,” he said.

McCain told CBS News that Obama’s view of the surge is “really quite a commentary.”

Asked what he meant by that, McCain said: “That Senator Obama does not understand the challenges we face and … the need for the surge. And the fact that he did not understand that, and still denies that it has succeeded, I think the American people will make their judgment.”

Obama, you are spouting bush league, amateur hour fodder, and I think its clear whom the adult is in the room. Why not just say the troops ROCK and be done with it you son of a .... what is wrong with you ???? Man alive that pisses me off to no end !!

Add to this his comments on Hamas - "They will, at some point, have to decide whether they are going to be a legitimate voice representing the needs of the Palestinian people."
At some point? Decide? I think they made that choice dear Senator. Once you include pushing all Israelis into the Red Sea as a part of your stated charter, I think that choice has been made!

Furthermore, he continues to claim that Afghanistan is the central front in the war on terror, rather then Iraq. Even the Washington Post, in today's editorial, ripped him a new one on that. The geopolitical consequences of a victory or loss in Iraq far out ways that in Afghanistan, especially for the US. And, because he wasn't on a teleprompter, he stuttered more then G.W. Bush reciting Shakespeare. And walking around with your jacket on your shoulder and sleeves rolled up, a clear play to claim you're the next JFK ... please. I studied JFK. I've read JFK. I know what JFK stood for. And Senator, you are NO JFK.

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