Sunday, February 1, 2009

Could it happen?

Okay, I read the post, check out the video, read Ryan's texts about the sun setting on the Empire and all that and fire off a quick text saying all this is well and good but it could never happen here. Let's face it. If the pro-life lobby had the voice of the NRA, abortion would have been outlawed years ago. Right?

Then I got to thinking for a moment and didn't feel so certain.

This really couldn't happen here, could it? The primary difference between Great Britain and the US in terms of gun control is the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Congress can't simply pass legislation stating all handguns are illegal, or only certain types of guns are legal, or such and such. An Amendment has to be made to the Constitution and that's no small thing. Could such legislation pass 3/4 of the States? Could Congress pass a call for such an amendment by 2/3 in each house, even with the houses dominated as they are now with Dems?

Talk to me.

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