Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The funny thing is...

This "understanding" sounds a lot like what I was saying two weeks ago.

I agree that the New Deal did not achieve all of its stated goals and promises, and that some of its programs were abject failures, and you have now shown that you recognize that recovery was measurable and steady, with only one 9-month "bump in the road" when the government tried to force a balanced budget before the economy was ready to take the tax increase that would have required.

I haven't seen my question about your "50% business failure" figure addressed, and since I have shown that both business and financial lending closures slowed to less than 2% of their pre-New Deal numbers, I maintain that the ONLY indicator of a weak/slow economy by the spring of '39 was unemployment... and that further investigation of those unemployment figures remains a must if you are going to base the majority of your case on what I have determined are "questionable" numbers of comparison.

None the less, we can consider the case closed... again... at least until such time as it rises it's ugly head out of the murky waters in some future debate.

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