Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We get totally ripped off... AGAIN!

Yahoo news had this presidential historical rating thing posted the other day... Good Freaking Lord! They had G.W. fairly low... Lower than I remember us having him. Lincoln rated best with Washington second, then Teddy and FDR and Truman rounding the top five (although not in that order, I can't remember which order and I'm too miffed to search.)

Good, solid top fives, except for the fact that they never offered and borderline demanded Lincoln become King. Lincoln never secured the Louisiana Purchase. Never wrote the Amendments to the Constitution. Never signed the Declaration. No denying his greatness, but number one over Washington? And Jefferson NOT top five? I'm as big a fan of FDR as anyone, but NO WAY does he eclipse Jefferson, Madison (War of 1812) and Adams (too many reasons to list). Teddy and Truman certainly get bumped.

No denying the Bush hostility of the poll, but how can anyone just flat out not put Washington number one?

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