Monday, February 2, 2009

"On the road again"

We are moving to a home just about 2 miles from where we currently reside, so I'll be offline for perhaps the remainder of this week - just a heads up.

On Titus's last ... the "shock" or at least clear surprise you had at Jambo's perception that "it [a UK style ban] could never happen here" was precisely my reaction when he called. Following the text message we had about a 2o minute live discussion. To dovetail with Titus I was in full belief that with each year the anti-second amendment (and that's what they are) crowd gets more and more bold; and the creeping nature of their incrementalism is found throughout the various bans Titus cited.

Consider that only 100 years ago the reach of the firearm laws NOW in place would have been thought "unimaginable", yet the same wording in the 2nd amendment exists now as it did then does it not? So no one can tell me "that's not possible here", when they (the left) have already accomplished bans and stifling requirements that were thought "not possible" only 100 or 50 years ago.

In short, without the due diligence of her protectors the 2nd Amendment can be rendered ineffective without EVER amending our Constitution. Just look at what they've been able to do thus far.

1 comment:

Baddboy said...

Sorry to hear you had to move again. Maybe this time you'll be able to stay a little longer.