Monday, April 28, 2008

I brought it up ...

.... because there will be NO CANDIDATE which addresses this issue outside of an alarmist's or "PC green" approach this presidential race - and I include McCain in that summation. AND it will be a part of the broader conversation regarding energy policy as diesel climbs to over $4 a gallon, rising the cost of nearly all goods. We must come forward with a bold energy initiative that INCLUDES domestic drilling (and don't give me this horse manure that there isn't much here - the Gulf, the Pacific coast & yes, ANWAR have WIDE varying estimates on what's there, from a 1 year supply to 100 years). More importantly you combine that with new, more efficient refineries (we haven't built one in 30 years, and no one is telling me the technology hasn't improved), nuclear power, a moon shot alternative, and making Russia your best friend in terms of a trade deal involving Siberian crude, and NOW you got yourself an energy policy. McCain should be putting a bold leadership plan like this together and meeting with Putin's soon to be successor rather then touring solar panel plants with Swarzcheneger.... sheeeesh that makes me cringe. Its "moderate" PR, not an energy plan.

I STILL think, as I thought back then, that it is the height of human hubris to believe that mankind can affect climate, not 1:1 pollution mind you, but affect the climate of a planet. We simply don't have the power, period. Smog, chemical dumps contaminating bodies of water, etc, yes, we can and have done that - but planetary CLIMATE ... please. And the descriptions I have read about this documentary is not that it denied humans can effect the environment, but that they haven't the power to change CLIMATE, and again that is what I argued on that back porch and stand by to this day.

The problem with Algorian (and I use him not because I think you advocate his approach, you are much closer to my view then his, I understand that) approaches is that it can not pass a 7th grade science question - what caused the previous ice ages to come and go? The obvious answer is that the planet is on a cycle no man has yet been able to interfere with (muck like a female "cycle"...he,he).

On the dvd's availability - you can order it from the UK using that site. Just opt for the US in the UK column is all ... mate. That site allows you to purchase it right now, so I have no idea why you had trouble with it.

And no, you're not a tree hugger; and environmentalism, as defined by being a good steward of the environment you inherit, is as traditional in the US as apple pie - from Teddy Roosevelt to the Boy Scouts. I have no problem with "good stewardship." I DO have a problem with advocates whom ask me to "believe" in science, such as the alarmists. "Scientific fact" can be proven empirically, anything short of that is theory. In other words photosynthesis is NOT a theory, it can be demonstrated. And while I don't think you are a "tree hugger" or that you buy into Gore's alarmism, I do believe that you are too hostile to certain aspects of my comprehensive plan above, i.e. domestic drilling. But even minus that you have to agree that the rest of my plan is at least a bold initiative with real hopes of energy independence and in the mean time economically proficient ... its leadership on the issue, and its what is lacking in all three candidates right now.... in the mean time everyone from truckers to soccer Moms are feeling the pinch with no real relief in sight ...... and that is why I brought it up. In order to properly deal with energy independence and its immediate foreign supply we must first, in my opinion, dispell with the concept that mankind can alter planetary climate. And the more people see dvd's like this one, the more likely it this will happen.

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