Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What, is he kidding?

First, yes I like Mac's healthcare/tax idea.

Second - I just watched the Obama explanation in full. My question is this - is anyone buying this? NOW he is outraged and offended, NOW? He expects me to believe that for 20 years as a member he never came to this conclusion, but in 8 mos of campaigning he has come to know who Wright "really is." Is he serious? This stretches the boundaries of credibility to unbelievable limits. Or let me state it more simply - he is lying. He "ran" with this guy as an up & coming Illinois politician in order to get "street cred" for being "down with the struggle" in his Chicago district, and did so knowing the extremely controversial aspects to Wright's character and message. And now wants the folks to believe that just now, in these 8 mos of campaigning he has uncovered a disturbing message coming from Wright that he (Obama) never picked up on in the 20 years prior. Give me a break! Add this to the refusal to wear a flag on his lapel, his wealth redistribution schemes, socialized medicine, and no foreign policy credentials to speak of outside of "talking" to Iran and we are looking at the most radical mainstream candidate this nation has seen in the era of modern politics.

Hey, Barak, the name McGovern mean anything to you??????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iam not sure, but just in case Iam no longer voting for Obama