Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wretched Ghouls

And by that I mean to describe EVERY SINGLE Democrat member that questioned Patraeus and Crocker over the last two days. Have you read any of this transcript? Disgusting. "Failure, failure, failure" is all they repeat, and about the surge no less. This is PRECISELY what Titus was describing when he spoke of opposition politics.

I had heard here and there, their rants about the surge being a failure. I had listened to their questioning live in some cases, read the transcripts in others. And even read Biden's (Joe Biden (D) Delaware and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) Saturday Democrat Party radio address to the nation, and it has now hit a critical mass, for F. Ryan anyway. Here's a taste of that address:


A leading Democrat on Saturday declared last year's troop buildup in Iraq a failure.

Sen. Joe Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the military push didn't succeed because U.S. troops remain committed there in large numbers and political reconciliation has not been achieved.

This is beginning to REALLY Mother-F***ing piss me off!!!! These ghouls give NO THOUGHT, no thought whatsoever to how this inspires our media savvy, head severing enemy, NOT TO MENTION demoralizing the brave men and women whom have spilled their guts making the surge a smashing success - over all violence down 70%, Sectarian violence down 90%, Baghdad civilian deaths down 92%! This absolute rot-gut just sickens me. HAVE THEY NO SHAME????

I soon realized that Titus' disgust with Feingold was but demonstrable of the overall questioning coming from the Democrat Senate and House members. But I reserve particular contempt for one Joseph Biden, who chaired the afternoon hearings fin which Patreaus & Crocker gave testimony. This opposition party is SO vested in defeat that the following has become acceptable. This CLASSLESS piece of fecile matter, which drags his once great party's name through the mud in a manner no less dishonorable then one Jack Murtha, has exemplified the absolute gutter swimming that these marquee members of his party now routinely participate in.

You MUST avail yourself of the link below and see first hand his tone, attitude and classlessness, not to mention the look, the actual look on Crocker's face as the camera cuts to him in the middle of the 20 second little low class rant. The link will take you to the MSNBC Hardball site. Under "Video Highlights" you'll see as the third title down, "The Politics of Iraq." Click on it and watch this villain speak to Crocker and Patraeus in his closing comments of the day, foul wretch that he is ....

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