Wednesday, April 2, 2008

P.S. on my last post:

Read my last entitled "Adult Conversation" prior to this one if you haven't already.

Here's the P.S. > any reasonable person would acknowledge that PBS in general and Frontline in specific are a biased news outfit, no less then the BBC on their side or "Hannity's America" (on FOX Sunday nights) is on my side. So, are you telling me that I couldn't take many of the facts, excerpts and interviews that I used below along with scores more and with the same "serious" narrator portray the build up to the Iraq war as one done with forthrightness, honesty and integrity? And as they did to the negative, fill in unknown motives and assign assumptions all to the positive? Of course I could. And if I did, and it was produced by me, Hannitty and Limbaugh and aired on FOX, would you consider it "the first objective look at the build up to the Iraq war"? Please!! This is the equivalent of what was done on Frontline, the same people who did a two-part series on "the Christians" as Frontline labeled them in an almost alien way. I ain't buying it......

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