Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On rose-tinted glasses...

"wearing a Vader helmet"... hehe, that's funny!

Please, keep in mind that I wasn't waxing poetic for the lost years myself... I was simply saying that the argument can be made. I make the argument because here in PA, I listen to (literally) dozens of co-workers that were raised staunch Republicans now "fondly" remembering the days of Bill and Al. Economy raging, jobs a-plenty, relatively cheap gas, and our biggest concern globally was whether Saddam was going to lose more SAM batteries because he'd target Coalition aircraft in the No Fly Zones.

Of course, I know he dropped the ball on terror... I shouldn't be tongue-in-cheek with that topic. None the less, Bill's mistakes haven't protracted a theater-wide land war by four or five years, either. I admit, his policies reflected a tried and true tradition among Democrats of "containment" rather than "confrontation"... and I am willing to give Bush the credit for following Reagan at least that far in his foreign policy in general, and his Middle East policy specifically. I no longer question his motivation... but I still question his methodology.

I think a lot of these PA GOP-supporters (the ones that keep electing Specter to the Senate) long for the days of PAYGO again. Say what you will, the deficit is nothing to shrug your shoulders at... even for a war-time Administration. To continue to watch the bills pile up seems to me to do NOTHING at all to help the confidence level of this country. The "Moral Majority" didn't do enough, and Bill and Al stole a lot of thunder from their efforts... and then to have Bush promise so much and deliver next to nothing after 8 years, who wouldn't be disappointed?

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