Thursday, January 8, 2009

Asking for applesauce in a world full of peaches.

Well, before you condemn my employment of Robespierre, let me ask you a question - where else am I going to use him? I have the quotes of a classical education, yet there they sit, dusty, wrinkled by age most of my day. But then ... but then I sit down at the key board, the light of the monitor poised ever so steady over our site, and suddenly, SUDDENLY their value holds relevancy.

Where else will no one look at me like I'm from Mars, nor require no further explanation then a name as to whom a 18th century French historical figure is?

If I can't be an elitist here - then where can I? I almost feel compelled to scream - IF YOU CUT MY POSTS, DO THEY NOT BLEED ELECTRONIC ELITIST BLOOD?!!!

What is the world coming to when TITUS, of all people, asks someone to throttle back on the ol' elitist stick? Oh! And for the casual observer, take note - he could have used the phrase "you didn't have to go back that far...", but Titus, being who he is, noted specifically 214 years in order to slyly (or so he thinks) demonstrate that he knew EXACTLY when the man lived on this earth ... hehe.