Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No way

On this, I'm convinced that there is more to tell... and those that can, won't.

The timeline I gave is clear enough to me to warrant further investigation, but Congress hasn't followed through. It is my opinion that the reason that a Democratic-controlled Congress wouldn't then (and won't now) investigate this further is because of what ELSE it will expose. When these allegations actually came to light, both Reagan and Bush were out of office, and Big Bill Clinton was President. The most iconic names of the Democratic lexicon could easily have been exposed for illegal dealings with rogue or enemy nations (especially Kennedy and Johnson... lest we forget, Bobby is KNOWN to have ordered numerous assassination attempts on foreign leaders).

More importantly, though... it doesn't negate the FACTS of my original post. REAGAN went to the table and negotiated with terrorists AND altered established US foreign policy because of terrorist acts. CARTER was negotiating in good faith through a "third party" nation with the de facto government of Iran for the release and safe conduct of 52 American citizens and servicemen... at least until Bob Casey went to Paris (I know, I know... withdrawn...).


Regarding Obama...

Today, we witnessed the peaceful and successfull transition of the most powerful office on the face of the earth from one popularly elected official to another, proving once and for all that there are NO MORE LIMITS to the potential success an American citizen can reach, regardless of race, religion, or sex. Today, regardless of WHO was elected to the White House... the United States of America has its 44th President. Our Republic works. Our society has a chance to learn and grow from the leadership (successfull or otherwise) of the 43rd man to call himself President of the United States.

So, today... just today... I'm not going to beat up on the President of the United States of America.

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