Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey, I did remember this!

Spoke to my godmother a little while back. She's going to have some free time coming up as she copes with recovery from some surgery. She was looking for good reading material and I told her about this place. Unfortunately her blood will more than likely boil.

Titus was lamenting a ways back about no concrete opposition, no defense of the left, no champion of that which is Democrat. My Aunt Coddy is that and more. To call Coddy a Kennedy Dem is not accurate. She's younger than my Mom. But she is a firm defender and unashamed apologist for all things Clinton. Hopefully she'll read and respond. I love hearing from her. Ryan met her at the wedding and the anticipated matter/anti-matter reaction didn't occur, which has to be a good sign. So while you're healing, Coddy, I hope you post and participate. And don't worry, Ryan and Titus have played hell with my blood pressure for decades and I'm fine.

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