Sunday, January 18, 2009

For the record...

Jambo would NOT be SO tired. I do not deny that real cold begins at zero degrees F but you don't hear me crying about it, Nancy. What I absolutely cannot stand and refuse to do ever again? Shovel snow. Although that's kind of strong. If I end up in New York, I'll more than likely have to shovel a little snow.

Baddboy and I had the obligatory "What the f***" conversation last night about the enemy of Islam. His take is we as a nation became the arch enemy of Islam in 1948 with our unwaivering support of the state of Israel. The Barbary pirates, according to Baddboy, had nothing to do with Islam. They weren't leading a jihad against the Great Satan of These United States of America. Jefferson was not King Infidel.

I was going to come up with a saucy little topic because Baddboy mentioned his crazy Luftwaffe veteran grandmother, but it escaped me. Damn it.

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