Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'd better clarify...

Look, before Ryan melts down, I want to make myself very clear...

Israel has the RIGHT to defend itself... no question. My contention has always been that the ground phase of this particular crisis might be "too much". What they had accomplished was working, and the collateral aspects of the crisis were manageable (at least in my eyes). Most importantly, though... the RISK to Israel was minimal. The least amount of IDF and security troops were "in harms way" prior to the ground force action... and that was a VERY good thing.

That having been said... Israel has made the call, and I support her in the determination she has made. My question was NOT a criticism... in fact, it probably should have been made in a rhetorical manner... simply a means to clarify my opinions and thoughts on the topic.

I have NO DOUBTS about the IDF's ability to defeat the Gaza terrorists... they WILL win this fight, and they will do so with an eye to keeping civilian deaths and collateral damages to a minimum... I was simply pointing out that there were people far closer to the crisis than I am who had similar thoughts to mine.

Purely sinful pride, in other words.

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