Friday, January 16, 2009


Ryan is STILL ranting that I am inconsistant in my views because I helped "coin" the term "Islamo-fascist".

I did no such thing. The first time I heard the term, it was used by Savage on late-nite radio... over and over and over again.

I voiced a hesitancy to use the term only because I was INTENTIONALLY trying to avoid "p.c." terminology that might clutter my original post... which was: "When did the USA become an enemy of ISLAM?"

Note the ISLAM part... not Islamo-fascism, or radical Islam, or Islamic terrorists. My contention is that the USA as a society is fundementally seen by each and every Islamic state on the face of the earth as an "enemy", no matter how that view is candy-coated by political niceties and double-speak.

Isn't this the talk you've WANTED to have for the last 7 years or so? Why let the "vines of the grape" {snicker} get in the way of a non-p.c. discussion about the failings and dangers of global Islamic hegemony?

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