Monday, January 19, 2009

Say what you will...

Tomorrow is a big day.

The last, and probably ultimate, position of power and prestige is about to go to a black man. We were a whisker away from seeing the first woman take the same job, too.

We hear an awful lot of commentary from the right about the "hype" and "hypocrisy" that we will see tomorrow, but the estimated million plus that are going to be in Washington for tomorrow's events shows that this isn't an ordinary event... even for a Presidential inauguration.

I'd also like to go on the record as saying that, if I can't criticize the manner and means by which Reagan took the office, I'm not going to fault Obama for playing to the hype either. Obama hasn't arranged for hostages to remain in captivity an extra 34 days so he could make a grand speech upon his taking over the White House, after all... he's just "working the crowd" that has gathered to see him make history.

After all, a case can be made that this inauguration is as meaningful to the US as Mandela's was to South Africa, or Thatcher's was in the UK. This is the last barrier, the last hurdle for black's in the US to gain.

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