Saturday, June 12, 2010

Conflicting Reports ...

The best I can tell after some searching is 33 current deep well rigs are affected by the moratorium, along with planned upcoming leases, and stricter requirements on shallow water recovery. In addition there is a new proposal by the White House that BP be made to pay all wages to those workers affected by the moratorium. Literally pay other oil companies restitution for what they otherwise would have made without the federal "pause." The UK papers are all over this, a detailed account can be found here: Guardian & at the Telegraph. And I found this interesting report on the Salazar/Obama "expert report" scandal.

I urge you to do your own investigation into the moratorium & the doctored report which served as its' basis and clarify for the Bund exactly what it means/covers. I'm somewhat limited on my phone (main computer is down today, uggh!).

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