Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Seed blocking ...

I just want to make a quick observation on AZ Governor Jan Brewer's most recent "controversy." She was addressing the phenomena of "anchor babies." This is the practice of entering the US just to deliver your child, because unlike every other 1st world nation we provide for citizenship based on birth. This was originally placed in the Constitution to deal with freed slaves circa 1868 - abolitionist law makers wanted to assure that slaves born in the US could enjoy full citizenship. They did not, however, amend our founding document so wealthy Romanians can go on "birth holiday", or poor Mexican nationals could jump a fence in their third trimester ... which brings me to Brewer.

She was asked about "breaking up" families were an illegal adult deported while their child, born here, would be allowed to stay. To which she rightly answered (& I paraphrase) that their family needn't be broken up as they are able to take their children back to their home country with them. Those opposing the new AZ crime law (and that's what it is, rather then an "immigration law") of course pounced on how cold hearted she is. Fine, fine, ya, she's Dracula, fine. But I would like to submit an open question to her critics: If a California resident robs a bank in Texas, and he is sentenced in Texas to 7 years (a typical wait time on US citizenship for unskilled laborers) for his crime, should the conviction be vacated because the imprisonment takes him from his children still residing in California? His children can move, say you? So can an illegal's children. Bank robbery is a completely different crime says you? Well so are the respective "punishments."


I know its past midnight, but as I haven't gone to bed yet it's still the 14th for me and as such I would like to acknowledge that it's Flag Day.

By the way - did anyone see the footage of this congressman, Bob Ethridge (D) NC, snatching this student reporter by the scruff of the neck just because he asked, "do you support the Obama agenda?" He grabbed that kid like he was the wife in a prison relationship. Obama wants to kick ass, Democrat congressman are assaulting reporters, I mean what the hell is going on here? What do you think would of happened if Palin snatched some reporter? That wouldn't of been pretty. Actually, if the reporter was another attractive chick . . .

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