Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is a test, like it or not...

All this could get fixed (or at least brought into the light) with one phone call from our Attorney General Eric Holder, who has the obligation of his office to open investigations into the workings of the Federal Government with or without the President's go ahead.

Joe Sestak has admitted, numerous times, that the offer was made to him, and that the job was "Cabinet-level"... not an unpaid advisory position. Last month, the White House admitted that the offer was made, but played down the job as a "strictly uncompensated advisory panel seat" while remaining in the House of Representatives, but that in itself was, is and will continue to be an impossible offer because a sitting member of the House can't serve in ANY position for the White House that isn't directly related to his or her role as a House Member.

Either way, Sustak was offered a job that would have compromised his ethical position within the Administration and the House of Representatives, and I am inclined to agree with many House parliamentarians when they say that constitutes illegal activity and should be investigated by BOTH the House Ethics Committee and the AG's office.

I can't make the same association with Watergate that Ryan is... but it surely seems to me that those we KNOW are involved in the offer (Rahm and Wild Bill) need to answer some tough questions, and neither are known for their honesty and forthright natures, are they?

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