Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tropical Storm Alex

And so it begins.

I'm looking out my patio window now... All the rain and cloudiness we have here in Biloxi is attributed to TS Alex, soon to be Hurricane Alex. No cone of Death, no threat of shutdowns, life is peachy, but...

The prevailing winds from the southeast and the nearly 12 foot waves in the Gulf have shut down much of the clean-up efforts, made the containment booms useless, and drove the first oil onto Biloxi's shores, at the beach off of Rodenburg Ave. Other pockets of oil turned up at the landing at the end of Beachview Drive off of Gulf Park Estates, and Fontenblieu Beach, (Titus and I remember THAT stretch as where Fish used to live before the storm. One particularly fine Big League party was hosted there... sigh)

All of this mess over a tropical storm that won't come within 300 miles of us. Imagine if we were IN the cone of death.

What no one is talking about, again, is the plume of oil underneath the surface. In the event of a storm surge, millions of barrels of "hidden" oil will be driven on shore. Relief well still on track for mid-August, barring weather delays.

This is so Hollywood disaster movie perfect. I keep waiting for the writer/director of 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow to drive up.

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