Monday, June 28, 2010

MacDonald vs City of Chicago

The Supreme Court of the United States is expected to deliver its decision on MacDonald vs City of Chicago sometime today, and this case is even bigger than DC vs Heller.

Besides calling for the end of Chicago's ban on handgun ownership, MacDonald is calling for the reversal of the decisions given in 1873 by the SCotUS in the Slaughterhouse Cases, which said that the Bill of Rights 14th Amendment's "Privileges and Immunities Clauses" did not apply against the States. If this reversal is made, then the question of selective incorporation no longer applies and the entire Bill of Rights (including the 2nd Amendment) applies against the States as much as it does the Federal Government.

I am constantly amazed at the words that come out of anti-gun advocates like Chicago's Mayor, Dick Daley, when he says "Guns kill." Chicago's death rate from gun-related crime has gone up EVERY YEAR since the ban went into effect in 1982 by an annual average of just under 4%, reaching its peak in 2004 at 15.6%. Where is the safety on Chicago's streets with the ban in place? Where can they demonstrate that the ban has had any effect on keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and making those law-abiding citizens even one iota safer? Average response time to emergency calls in Chicago is today right at 7.5 minutes... and in a mugging, robbery or home invasion, I'd say a lot of crime can happen in that time. Why can't people be allowed to take at least some of the responsibility of protecting themselves and their property, if they should choose to do so? I just don't see the logic... at all.

I for one will be waiting with baited breath to see what the SCotUS has to say on the matter...

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