Sunday, June 6, 2010

Titus: The longest unemployed member of the Bund

For the record, who else here in the Bund has...

1) Children on summer vacation, and the primary caregiver during the summer break?

2) While, mind you, working a swing shift job?

3) And sharing the computer with family?

Tell me how lazy I am whenever your casino decides to open and you're working AND being Mr. Dad.

And for all the Bund fans, when the Mt. Airy Casino decides to open and Titus has a job again, watch his participation drop to pre-storm mailing list numbers, (once a week AT BEST) as opposed to his 30 posts a month pace we see now.

See the time of this post? I'm just getting off work. Titus won't be AWAKE for another hour AT LEAST after enjoying a party or some kind of neighborhood get-together that long term unemployed people get to flaunt to their employed family and friends.

Must be nice. :-)

1 comment:

Titus said...

We do have boss parties here at the farm, don't we? That is because we are so friggin' cool, not because I am unemployed.

We'll see how my posting is effected by work in 8 days... that is when I go back to work. One week after tomorrow... if I weren't so sick of being broke, I'd almost be sad that it was over.

If all you are bitching about is being called lazy, then I must have summed up your points rather well.