Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Three days into my new job...

... and someone is already whining that I'm not carrying the Bund on my back like Christopher carried Christ across the raging waters. Some things never change, do they?

So, I just got home from my hour-long commute between work and my house, after a particularly trying day of the typical "table games" pass time of making sure that every question asked of the new bosses is accompanied by a long and rambling story associated with past casino work and how some other casino did things different (usually better, too). Want to know what I think of my new bosses? One of them (a particularly crusty old bugger from AC) had enough of the "I worked at a place that did it this way..."-crap, and said, in a loud and clear voice: "The next person that tells me how they do things at another casino will be told to go back to that casino... and I'm very serious." Shockingly enough, no one messed up and started another story, so things moved rather quicker in the second half of the training meetings.

At first, I thought these shift bosses were stupid... they leave the floor open for too many dumb, rookie questions that kill time and take away from the few points that those of us who WANT to learn the right way to do things need to hear. However, during a break, one of them asked me for a light, and while he was lighting his smoke, he was shaking his head. I said that he looked frustrated, and he nodded that he was but said nothing. I smoked with him for a bit and then said, "Hell, we all had to learn sometime... and these kids are just learning. They'll come around quick, though." He grunted and went back inside. When the classes got back together though, guess who got fingered as one of the "instructors" for craps box/floor procedures for next week? The boss I spoke to called me (and two others) out into the middle of the floor and said we would be their "assistants" during the upcoming games procedures classes... not because we knew more than anyone else, but because we knew what was expected at THIS house or how to learn it if we didn't, and we weren't "hell-bent" on wasting time with stories and anecdotes and silly questions (Can we slide checks to the players if it is change? How many time can we be late from break before we get written up? Can we reach into the rail to make the odds right? Should we tell the dealers not to hawk the dice?).

Damn, I am really starting to love this job.

Anyway... our buddy Marshall is off to arrange for his move to PA (he'll be working near Harrisburg, PA) and Liz is finding a replacement for herself at St Peter's as she prepares for her first day at her new job, so YES, I have been a bit busy. However, I promise that while my posts may not be first-thing-in-the-morning anymore, they will be regular and pointedly topical and (as always) absolutely above question or reproach.

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