Thursday, June 3, 2010

Silver State woes ...

This is a hotly debated topic here, as you can imagine. First, the difference in news coverage between California's budget woes (also the much publicized New York gap) and Nevada is what those percentages represent in real dollars. Ours is just over $800 million, California's is nearly $23 BILLION.

We have a fiscal conservative as governor, Jim Gibbons. He had a "sexting" scandal a while back and whether because he thought it good politics or at his single digit approval rating (during the scandal) just figured, "what the hell?", he has gone to war against the Dem controlled state house saying everything but "make my day." He signed a no new tax pledge and as the Dem legislature whispers about a state income tax (their long night's wet dream) & calls him heartless for his cuts, he is decimating their poll numbers and enhancing his own. And the DC crowd, Tea party movement, it's all contributing to his resurgence. He has made no bones about slashing government, and I mean he's taken a sharpened red axe to everything in sight, knowing the state house will have little choice but to pass it because in 06' a ballot initiative made it a Constitutional Amendment that legislators must present ANY proposed tax hike on residents as a non binding ballot initiative of its' own before holding their own vote (meaning they'd have to turn around and vote agianst us because any tax hike is going down in wild flames - it was the last thing the GOP did before they lost control in 06', a brilliant kick in the Dem crotch on their way out the door, hehe). So, he has them by the fiscal balls.

I have to say though, my favorite governor in the country right now is Chris Christie, of New Jersey. You mentioned their budget troubles. He described the teacher's union - who is at odds with him over his own proposed slashing - as an "evil, despicable entity interested in self power and preservation." And when a PhD stood up in the crowd and bellowed, "You don't want to compensate me for my experience, my extra schooling", he unhesitatingly replied, "Look, then don't do it. Go into the private sector, you knew the pay scale could change when you started. Don't like it, don't do it." When's the last time you heard straight talk like that? His press conferences are FANTASTIC. So I agree, this "change" happens from the bottom up - authentic conservative governors whose message can cut though like a samurai sword, that's the 2012 ticket, so to speak.

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