Saturday, June 12, 2010

Point of order...

I'm not arguing your premise, which is sound and well stated, but one point makes me ask: the moratorium is on deep water oil exploration drilling, correct? Existing wells that can now or could in the future pump crude out of the ground aren't effected, right? So, technically, we simply won't see any new oil coming out of the ground, but oil that was pumping before the explosion is still flowing and will continue to flow... right?

What I have read is that Barbour, Perry, Riley and Crist are fighting this moratorium (but Jindal isn't... I don't blame him, and he isn't actively fighting FOR its implementation, either) because ALL of these States have an opportunity to gain revenue from drilling rights issued off their coasts, which the moratorium would eliminate. I'm quite sure that, should the White House try to stop ALL oil production in the Gulf, the resulting impact on the regional economies would cause an uproar even Obama couldn't ignore.

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