Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Unfortunate ...

You're doing an awful lot of writing for a guy who says he was "done" with this thread 2 posts ago.

I realize fully that you were taking a shot at my (or your characterization of) my position. My point was for you to employ gas chambers & ovens or the final solution in your rhetoric about what I'm suggesting the Jews do, simply to jab at me, is monumentally inappropriate. If you don't or wont retract it, that's your call. You own it then.

My stated position on Hamas has been throughout that they need to be beaten militarily. You "100% agreed," then suggested the embargo was too much. That appears highly contradictory, to me.

Furthermore, I wrote that Hamas must be destroyed. I also said the Palestinian voter knew exactly who and what Hamas was when they elected them. I contend both positions can be held without it following that I want a Palestinian genocide. I asked for you to produce where I suggested that "all Palestinians" who voted for Hamas be "destroyed" & now you don't feel like cutting & pasting ... "ok."

Lastly, you continue to suggest that I abandon the personal jabs and simply point out where I think you're wrong. First, that tells me you were in fact pushing your opinion, and not simply"asking honest questions", as you contend, for how could I point out where you've been wrong if all you've done is made an inquisition? And opinion is fine, but your repeated claim was that "honest questioning" was your only aim. That aside, I have repeatedly pointed out where I think you are wrong. 4 times in fact: 1.) In the inconsistency above. Meaning if you feel the arms embargo is ill advised because it goes too far, rubbing dirt in the face of the common Palestinian as you put it, then why did you enthusiastically endorsed my military option regarding Hamas on June 7th? That certainly goes much further and it's a tad less PR friendly towards the dirt strewn face of the "common man" then the embargo. 2.) You were not seeking "honest questions" in your original post. You were using a line of questioning to make your personal point. It's a hallmark of yours, & it's fine except that I dislike being told it was something it was not. 3.) All supplies have NOT been cut off via the embargo. Uninspected supplies have, thus I feel you misrepresented the embargo's effect in your original post. 4.) As I have repeatedly said, ending the embargo is "wrong" because it would almost certainly mean more rockets and weaponry in the hands of Hamas. Thus it is a wise, if not the singular, course of action for Israel to pursue, short of a full scale war.

Each of these points I have made, repeatedly. So I'm not sure why you keep insisting "show me where I'm wrong."

Again, I find it unfortunate in the extreme that you have no qualms about employing phrases like "maybe Israel should fire up the ovens", under any circumstance. I understand you were attempting to portray & insult my position, but what you don't get is, it's an insult to Jews & the sensibilities of anyone familiar with the Holocaust when such a phrase is tossed around as a loose, sarcastic euphemism - particularly one which (indirectly or otherwise) references potential Israeli actions.

I'm comfortable with every word Ive written in this thread. If you can say the same, then I am simply surprised & disappointed.

And let me reiterate. "Questioning" the effectiveness of a given Israeli strategy is reasonable. But questioning the morality behind IDF strategy, of the Israeli people themselves, such as asking why Israel insists on "rubbing the common man's face in the dirt", I find unreasonable, ignorant of the facts, and even offensive. It undermines any vague resemblance to an honest inquisition, and it is a misrepresentation of a policy meant to prevent rockets from reigning down on innocent civilians. Hamas is responsible for that embargo, not Israel. Equally offensive (if not more so) is haphazardly tossing around phrases like "firing up the gas chambers" in reference to the IDF, simply to slap me down. Again, rip me up and down all you want I say, as I did you. But that "barb" was shameful.

Now I have said my peace, and I am done with this thread. Of course I mean the literal translation of done and not the one in which "done" is defined as continuing to post, and post . . . and post.

No comments on the Kenya story, huh? Hmm. I thought that was a pretty good find myself.

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