Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hehe... this is funny...

Just got off the phone with my buddy, Mick (the native-born Irishman that ran for one of my county's Commissoner seats last year), and he offered me a chance to meet Hillary when she comes to Wyoming County, PA on Thursday.

Turns out, the man coordinating the "press event" is a member of the "Friends of Mick" campaign for Wyoming County Commissioner, and he wanted Mick and myself to be at the event. Mick will be out of the state till Friday, and I have meetings scheduled all day at the casino... so neither of us will get to meet the DNP candidate for President.

Too bad, really... I'd have been curious to see how such an event compares to what I experienced on a county-level. Obviously, she is a bit higher-profile than "Mick the Lib"... (which he isn't, by the way), but it would have been an interesting experience.

Anywya, if you see any footage of Hillary on the news Thursday, chances are its from my new home county.

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